Faqja kryesoreYLWDF • OTCMKTS
Yellow Pages Ltd
7,90 USD
13 mar, 12:20:59 e paradites, GMT-4 · USD · OTCMKTS · Mohimi i përgjegjësisë
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7,90 USD
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6,37 USD - 9,89 USD
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142,07 mln CAD
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Yellow Pages Limited is a Canadian publication and internet services company that owns and operates Canadian properties and publications including Yellow Pages directories, YellowPages.ca, and Canada411.ca. Its online destinations reach approximately 9 million of unique visitors monthly and its mobile applications for finding local citizens, downloaded over 3 million times. The company was founded following the buyout of Bell Canada's directory business and subsequently acquired SuperPages Canada, the directory publisher for Telus. In October 2008, Yellow Pages was named one of "Canada's Top 100 Employers" by Mediacorp Canada Inc. and was featured in Maclean's newsmagazine, the only directory publisher to receive this honour. In March 2011, Yellow Pages sold Trader Corporation to funds advised by Apax Partners for $745 million. Its ticker symbol changed from YLO to Y in 2012. On January 16, 2018, it was announced that Yellow Pages would cut 18% otherwise, one fifth of its workforce. That very same day, approximately 500 employees were laid off nation-wide. Wikipedia
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Të gjitha të dhënat dhe informacionet ofrohen “siç janë” vetëm për qëllime informuese personale dhe nuk synohen të përdoren për këshilla financiare dhe as për qëllime tregtimi apo investimi, tatimi, ligjore, kontabiliteti apo këshilla të tjera. Google nuk është këshillues investimesh dhe as këshillues financiar, dhe nuk shpreh asnjë pikëpamje, rekomandim apo mendim për sa i përket kompanive të përfshira në këtë listë apo titujve financiarë të lëshuar nga ato kompani. Konsultohu me ndërmjetësin ose përfaqësuesin financiar për të verifikuar çmimin para se të kryesh ndonjë tregti. Mëso më shumë
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