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S&P/ASX 200
13. Jan., 16:47:45 GMT+11 · INDEXASX · Haftungsausschluss
Letzter Kursschluss
Preisspanne heute
8.160,70 - 8.294,10
Preisspanne im Jahr
7.322,00 - 8.514,50
The S&P/ASX 200 index is a market-capitalisation weighted and float-adjusted stock market index of stocks listed on the Australian Securities Exchange. The index is maintained by Standard & Poor's and is considered the benchmark for Australian equity performance. It is based on the 200 largest ASX listed stocks, which together account for about 82% of Australia's share market capitalisation. The ASX 200 was started on 31 March 2000 with a value of 3133.3, equal to the value of the All Ordinaries at that date. The ASX 200 reached 6,000 points for the first time on Thursday 15 February 2007. On 22 December 2017, the ASX 200 was 6,069. The ASX 200 crossed the 7,000 points level for the first time on 16 January 2020. Bloomberg, CNBC, Yahoo! Finance and Wikinvest use respectively the symbols AS51 .AXJO ^AXJO and AXJO to refer to this index. The ASX 200 webpage offers a Share market game as an educational tool with $50,000.00 AUD virtual cash. Wikipedia
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