Домашня сторінкаVOF • LON
VinaCapital Vietnam Opportunity Fund Ltd
Закриття попер. дня
449,00 GBX
Діапазон цін за день
448,98 GBX - 450,00 GBX
Діапазон цін за рік
428,50 GBX - 505,00 GBX
Ринкова капіталізація
637,81 млн GBP
Сер. обсяг
272,09 тис.
Коефіцієнт ціна/прибуток
Дивідендний прибуток
Основна біржа
У новинах
VinaCapital Vietnam Opportunity Fund is a British investment trust dedicated to investments in capital markets, private equity, undervalued assets, privatised assets, property and private placements in Vietnam. It is managed by VinaCapital. After transferring from the Alternative Investment Market to a full listing in March 2016, the company went on to become a constituent of the FTSE 250 Index. The Chairman is Huw Evans and Andy Ho is the Managing Director.
As of 2021, VOF's net asset value was $1,404.3 million, with a market capitalization of $1,156.9 million. Wikipedia
Дата заснування