Teva Pharmaceutical Industries Ltd
14,80 $
20-мар., 00:20:39 GMT-4 · USD · OTCMKTS · Жоопкерчиликтен баш тартуу
АкцияАКШ сатылган баалуу кагаздар
Жабылуу курсу
14,80 $
Жылдар диапазону
11,75 $ - 22,91 $
Базар капитализациясы
18,47 млд USD
Орточо көлөмү
Дивиденддик киреше
Негизги биржа
Teva Pharmaceutical Industries Ltd. is an Israeli multinational pharmaceutical company. Teva specializes primarily in generic drugs, but other business interests include branded-drugs, active pharmaceutical ingredients and, to a lesser extent, contract manufacturing services and an out-licensing platform. Teva's primary branded products include Austedo which is used for the treatment of chorea associated with Huntington's disease and tardive dyskinesia; and Ajovy, used for the preventive treatment of migraine in adults. Additional branded drugs sold by Teva include Copaxone, Bendeka and Treanda, all of which are primarily sold in the United States. Teva is listed on the Tel Aviv Stock Exchange and the New York Stock Exchange. Its manufacturing facilities are located in Israel, North America, Europe, Australia, and South America. The company is a member of the Pharmaceutical Research and Manufacturers of America. Teva Pharmaceuticals is the largest generic drug manufacturer in the world. Overall, Teva is the 26th largest pharmaceutical company in the world. Teva has a history of legal trouble in relation to collusion and price-fixing to inflate prices for drugs. Wikipedia
Аткаруучу директор
Негизделген күнү
1944-ж., 13-фев.
34 789
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