Главная страницаSP600 • Индекс
S&P 600
1 381,94
10 янв., 16:56:49 GMT-5 · INDEXSP · Отказ от обязательств
Курс закрытия
1 410,87
Диапазон за день
1 374,18 - 1 401,64
Диапазон за год
1 236,99 - 1 548,43
Новости рынка
The S&P SmallCap 600 Index is a stock market index established by S&P Global Ratings. It covers roughly the small-cap range of American stocks, using a capitalization-weighted index. To be included in the index, a stock must have a total market capitalization that ranges from $1 billion to $7.4 billion. These market cap eligibility criteria are for addition to an index, not for continued membership. As a result, an index constituent that appears to violate criteria for addition to that index is not removed unless ongoing conditions warrant an index change. Additionally, same as S&P 500 and S&P 400, there is a financial viability requirement. Companies must have positive as-reported earnings over the most recent quarter, as well as over the most recent four quarters. As of 29 December 2023, the index's median market cap was $1.74 billion and covered roughly three percent of the total US stock market. These smallcap stocks cover a narrower range of capitalization than the companies covered by the Russell 2000 Smallcap index which range from $169 million to $4 billion, excluding some of the smallest companies. Wikipedia
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