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Sectra AB
Chiusura precedente
222,35 kr
Intervallo giornaliero
220,00 kr - 224,45 kr
Intervallo annuale
199,22 kr - 301,00 kr
Cap di mercato
40,71 Mld SEK
Volume medio
Rapporto P/E
Borsa valori principale
Notizie del mercato finanziario
Dati finanziari
Conto economico
Utile netto
(SEK) | ott 2024info | Variazione Y/Y |
Entrate | 772,88 Mln | -4,07% |
Spese di gestione | 157,05 Mln | 6,42% |
Utile netto | 87,76 Mln | -41,71% |
Margine di profitto netto | 11,35 | -39,27% |
Utili per azione | — | — |
EBITDA | 125,61 Mln | -34,22% |
Aliquota fiscale effettiva | 20,60% | — |
Stato patrimoniale
Totale attivo
Totale passivo
(SEK) | ott 2024info | Variazione Y/Y |
Investimenti cash/breve termine | 625,78 Mln | 25,54% |
Totale attivo | 3,19 Mld | 18,40% |
Totale passivo | 1,66 Mld | 22,53% |
Patrimonio netto totale | 1,53 Mld | — |
Azioni in circolazione | 192,67 Mln | — |
Prezzo/valore contabile | 27,97 | — |
Redditività dell'attivo | 8,61% | — |
Rendimento sul capitale | 16,48% | — |
Flusso di cassa
Flusso di cassa netto
(SEK) | ott 2024info | Variazione Y/Y |
Utile netto | 87,76 Mln | -41,71% |
Liquidità di esercizio | 176,07 Mln | 204,97% |
Contanti da investimenti | -27,21 Mln | 27,51% |
Contanti da finanziamenti | -217,62 Mln | -1,41% |
Flusso di cassa netto | -73,58 Mln | 61,22% |
Flusso di cassa libero | 105,15 Mln | 189,18% |
Sectra AB is a Swedish company founded in 1978 active within medical technology and encrypted communication systems. Notable products include the communication system RAKEL which is used by Swedish organisations and institutions that provide vital public services such as emergency services and public utility providers like power companies.
During the fiscal year 2019/2020 the company had a net revenue of 1 661 million SEK, an operating profit of 295 million SEK and 859 employees. The company is publicly registered on Nasdaq, OMX Stockholm.
The company originated from Linköping, Sweden, where their headquarters are located. It is one of the larger technology companies in the city and has close connections to Linköping University where the company was started.
In November 2019 the company was named as the preferred supplier for a ten-year radiology contract for a picture archiving and communications system with eight NHS trusts in Greater Manchester. Wikipedia
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