Salem Media Group
0,59 $
6 mar, 20:10:00 GMT-5 · USD · OTCMKTS · Disclaimer
Titolo azionarioTitolo quotato in USACon sede in USA
Chiusura precedente
0,63 $
Intervallo giornaliero
0,58 $ - 0,60 $
Intervallo annuale
0,15 $ - 0,92 $
Cap di mercato
15,96 Mln USD
Volume medio
Rapporto P/E
Borsa valori principale
Notizie del mercato finanziario
Dati finanziari
Conto economico
Utile netto
(USD)set 2024Variazione Y/Y
58,72 Mln-7,53%
Spese di gestione
7,39 Mln-6,35%
Utile netto
-6,62 Mln78,84%
Margine di profitto netto
Utili per azione
Aliquota fiscale effettiva
Totale attivo
Totale passivo
(USD)set 2024Variazione Y/Y
Investimenti cash/breve termine
Totale attivo
432,41 Mln-8,25%
Totale passivo
309,11 Mln-8,86%
Patrimonio netto totale
123,30 Mln
Azioni in circolazione
27,22 Mln
Prezzo/valore contabile
Redditività dell'attivo
Rendimento sul capitale
Flusso di cassa netto
(USD)set 2024Variazione Y/Y
Utile netto
-6,62 Mln78,84%
Liquidità di esercizio
-2,06 Mln-204,36%
Contanti da investimenti
2,04 Mln232,25%
Contanti da finanziamenti
Flusso di cassa netto
Flusso di cassa libero
-2,01 Mln6,76%
Salem Media Group, Inc. is an American radio broadcaster, internet content provider, and magazine and book publisher based in Irving, Texas, targeting audiences interested in Christian values and what it describes as "family-themed content and conservative values". Salem Media Group owns 117 radio stations in 38 markets, including 60 stations in the top 25 markets and 29 in the top 10, making it tied with Audacy for the fifth-largest radio broadcaster. In addition to its radio properties, the company owns: Salem Radio Network, which syndicates talk, news and music programming to approximately 2,400 affiliates. Salem Media Representatives, a radio advertising company. Salem Web Network, an Internet provider of Christian content and online streaming with over 100 Christian content and conservative opinion websites. Salem Publishing, a publisher of Christian themed magazines. Conservative websites Townhall.com, RedState, Hot Air, and PJ Media, as well as Twitter aggregator Twitchy. The company was founded by brothers-in-law Stuart Epperson and Edward G. Atsinger III and is a for-profit corporation. This allows it to accept commercial advertising. Wikipedia
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