Pàgina d'iniciPSPN ‱ SWX
PSP Swiss Property AG
133,20 CHF
13 de març, 11:34:38 GMT+1 · CHF · SWX · ExempciĂł de responsabilitat
AcciĂłValor cotitzat de: CH
Tancament anterior
133,40 CHF
Interval de preus d'avui
133,00 CHF - 133,80 CHF
Interval anual
110,90 CHF - 137,90 CHF
Capitalit. borsĂ ria
6109,60 M CHF
Volum mitjĂ 
82,79 k
RĂ tio PER
Rendibilitat per dividend
2,93 %
Borsa principal
NotĂ­cies dels mercats
Balanç de resultats
Ingressos nets
(CHF)des. del 2024VariaciĂł interanual
88,65 M1,28 %
Despesa d'explotaciĂł
7,25 M-7,53 %
Ingressos nets
149,01 M185,18 %
Marge de benefici net
168,09181,60 %
Benefici per acciĂł
1,34-52,31 %
75,43 M6,52 %
Taxa impositiva efectiva
16,54 %—
Actiu total
Passiu total
(CHF)des. del 2024VariaciĂł interanual
Efectiu i invers. a curt terme
56,97 M-59,86 %
Actiu total
9923,84 M1,40 %
Passiu total
4513,12 M-1,16 %
Capital total
5410,72 M—
Accions en circulaciĂł
45,87 M—
RĂ tio cotitzaciĂł-valor
1,91 %—
Rendibilitat d'inversiĂł
2,15 %—
VariaciĂł neta de l'efectiu
(CHF)des. del 2024VariaciĂł interanual
Ingressos nets
149,01 M185,18 %
Efectiu d'operacions
70,95 M-14,55 %
Efectiu d'inversiĂł
-6,63 M85,55 %
Efectiu de finançament
-30,05 M-137,68 %
VariaciĂł neta de l'efectiu
34,28 M-70,68 %
Flux de caixa lliure
57,66 M16,73 %
PSP Swiss Property is one of Switzerland’s largest real estate companies with approximately 160 office and commercial properties as well as several development sites and individual construction projects. Most of the properties are located in the economic centres of Zurich, Geneva, Basel, Bern and Lausanne. The properties are mainly used for offices and retail. The portfolio’s total value is around 7 billion francs, while rental income adds up to 280 million. The company has 90 employees in Zurich, Geneva and Olten as well as the holding company's domicile in Zug. PSP Swiss Property was founded by the insurance company Zurich Insurance Group in 1999 and listed at the SIX Swiss Exchange in an initial public offering in March 2000. Ever since, the company has focused exclusively, as a pure play real estate company, on commercial properties in Switzerland. PSP Swiss Property pursues a conservative financing policy with an equity ratio exceeding 50% and correspondingly low debt. Wikipedia
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