Pagina de pornirePKR / USD • Monedă
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Despre Rupie pakistaneză
The Pakistani rupee is the official currency in the Islamic Republic of Pakistan. The issuance of the currency is controlled by the State Bank of Pakistan. It was officially adopted by the Government of Pakistan in 1949. Earlier the coins and notes were issued and controlled by the Reserve Bank of India until 1949, when it was handed over to the Government and State Bank of Pakistan, by the Government and Reserve Bank of India.
In Pakistani English, large values of rupees are counted in thousands; lakh; crore; arab; kharab. Numbers are still grouped in thousands WikipediaDespre Dolar american
Dolarul american este unitatea monetară a Statelor Unite. Este abreviat în mod normal folosind simbolul $, USD, sau US$. Dolarul a fost adoptat de către Congresul Confederațiilor Statelor Unite pe data de 6 iulie 1785. Este divizat în 100 de cenți. Wikipedia