NLC India Ltd
‏225.15 ‏₹
13 במרץ, 15:59:07 GMT‎+5:30‎ · INR · NSE · כתב ויתור
מניהנייר ערך שרשום בIN
שער סגירה קודם
‏229.31 ‏₹
טווח יומי
‏225.00 ‏₹ - ‏231.34 ‏₹
טווח שנתי
‏186.03 ‏₹ - ‏311.80 ‏₹
שווי שוק
312.20B‏ INR
נפח מסחר ממוצע
מכפיל רווח
תשואת דיבידנד
בורסה עיקרית
חדשות שוק ההון
מידע כללי
NLC India Limited is a central public sector undertaking under the administrative control of the Ministry of Coal, Government of India. It annually produces about 30 million tonnes of lignite from opencast mines at Neyveli in the state of Tamil Nadu in southern India and at Barsingsar in Bikaner district of Rajasthan state. The lignite is used at pithead thermal power stations of 3640 MW installed capacity to produce electricity. Its joint venture has a 1000 MW thermal power station using coal. Lately, it has diversified into renewable energy production and installed 1404 MW solar power plant to produce electricity from photovoltaic cells and 51 MW electricity from windmills. It was incorporated in 1956 and was wholly owned by the Government of India. A small portion of its stock was sold to the public to list its shares on stock exchanges where its shares are traded. Wikipedia
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