මුල් පිටුවNIFTY_500 • දර්ශකය
ජන 13, 14.19.40 ග්‍රිමවේ+5.30 · INDEXNSE · වියාචනය
පෙර වැසීම
දින පරාසය
21,276.90 - 21,630.55
වසර පරාසය
19,080.50 - 24,573.40
වෙළඳපොළ පුවත්
NIFTY 500 is India’s first broad-based stock market index of the Indian stock market. It contains top 500 listed companies on the NSE. The NIFTY 500 index represents about 96.1% of free float market capitalization and about 96.5% of the total turnover on the National Stock Exchange. NIFTY 500 companies are disaggregated into 72 industry indices. Industry weights in the index reflect industry weights in the market. For example, if the banking sector has a 5% weight in the universe of stocks traded on the NSE, banking stocks in the index would also have an approximate representation of 5% in the index. NIFTY 500 can be used for a variety of purposes such as benchmarking fund portfolios, launching of index funds, ETFs and other structured products. Wikipedia
තව සොයා ගන්න
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මෙම ලැයිස්තුව මෑත සෙවීම්, අනුගමනය කළ සුරැකුම්පත් සහ වෙනත් ක්‍රියාකාරකම්වලින් උත්පාදනය කර ඇත. තව දැන ගන්න

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