Pagina de pornireNANO / USD • Criptomonedă
Nano (NANO / USD)
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Despre Nano
Nano is a cryptocurrency characterized by a directed acyclic graph data structure and distributed ledger, making it possible for Nano to work without intermediaries. To agree on what transactions to commit, it uses a voting system with weight based on the amount of currency an account holds.
Nano was launched in October 2015 by Colin LeMahieu to address the Bitcoin scalability problem and was created to reduce confirmation times and fees. The currency implements no-fee transactions and achieves confirmation in under one second. WikipediaDespre Dolar american
Dolarul american este unitatea monetară a Statelor Unite. Este abreviat în mod normal folosind simbolul $, USD, sau US$. Dolarul a fost adoptat de către Congresul Confederațiilor Statelor Unite pe data de 6 iulie 1785. Este divizat în 100 de cenți. Wikipedia