Text SA
14,18 $
20. мар, 00:19:32 GMT-4 · USD · OTCMKTS · Одрицање одговорности
АкцијаАкција којом се тргује на берзи у региону САД
Претходно закључено
14,18 $
Годишњи опсег
12,50 $ - 22,65 $
Тржишна вредност
1,52 млрд. PLN
Просечна количина
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Основни подаци
Text, previously known as LiveChat Software, is a Polish software company specializing in customer service and artificial intelligence solutions. Based in Wrocław, it offers a suite of tools for B2B and B2C communication, including popular platforms like LiveChat, ChatBot, and HelpDesk. The company is publicly listed on the Warsaw Stock Exchange. The company was founded in Wroclaw, Poland in 2002, and also has US offices in Boston, Massachusetts. In 2023, the company rebranded from “LiveChat Software” to “Text” to reflect its broadened focus on artificial intelligence and e-commerce solutions. It serves more than 28,000 paid customers in over 150 countries, including Adobe, AirAsia, Best Buy, Better Business Bureau, ING, Huawei, Orange, and PayPal. Wikipedia
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