BerandaKKC • BKK
Kulthorn Kirby PCL
7 Mar, 09.30.00 GMT+7 · THB · BKK · Pernyataan Penyangkalan
SahamSekuritas terdaftar di TH
Tutup sebelumnya
Rentang tahun
฿0,020 - ฿0,13
Kapitalisasi pasar
60,00 jt THB
Rasio P/E
Hasil dividen
Bursa utama
Berita pasar
Laporan Pendapatan
Laba bersih
(THB)Sep 2024Perubahan Y/Y
657,68 jt-3,48%
Biaya operasional
239,98 jt-21,48%
Laba bersih
-308,84 jt10,87%
Margin laba bersih
Penghasilan per saham
-84,17 jt19,43%
Tarif pajak efektif
Total aset
Total liabilitas
(THB)Sep 2024Perubahan Y/Y
Investasi tunai jangka pdk
68,24 jt19,77%
Total aset
4,67 M-20,70%
Total liabilitas
6,23 M7,13%
Total ekuitas
-1,56 M—
Saham yang beredar
1,50 M—
Harga terhadap nilai buku
Tingkat pengembalian aset
Tingkat pengembalian modal
Perubahan kas bersih
(THB)Sep 2024Perubahan Y/Y
Laba bersih
-308,84 jt10,87%
Kas dari operasi
-40,96 jt55,47%
Kas dari investasi
54,00 rb-99,87%
Kas dari pembiayaan
67,83 jt48,27%
Perubahan kas bersih
26,92 jt6.419,48%
Arus kas bebas
67,45 jt-9,02%
Kulthorn Kirby is the manufacturer and distributor of motor compressor, reciprocating type for refrigeration products i.e. refrigerators, freezers, water coolers, commercial refrigerators, and air conditioners. The company produces motor compressor by his own technology under the international management systems. And also the company has continued to increase production capacity and develop new models to serve the market expansion and its requirement in ASEAN, China, Middle East, Australia, U.S. and Africa. The reciprocating compressor can be used with many types of refrigerant with the sizes from 1/20 horsepower to 10 horsepower. The Company also produces Condensing Unit which is the component of refrigeration products, electrical motor parts, and other motor compressor parts. The Company and other investors invested and established 6 new companies to produce major parts and raw materials of compressor to replace the import and local purchasing in order to reduce the production costs and to improve product quality, and aim to be the leader in the motor compressor business in ASEAN. And its subsidiaries are as follows. Kulthorn Premier Company Limited Wikipedia
24 Mar 1980
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