Ironwood Pharmaceuticals, Inc.
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مجموع بدهیها | ۶۵۲٫۵۴ میلیون | −۲۰٫۱۷٪ |
مجموع سرمایه شناور | −۳۰۱٫۲۴ میلیون | — |
سهام واگذارشده | ۱۵۹٫۴۵ میلیون | — |
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بازده سرمایه | ۲۷٫۶۶٪ | — |
وجوه در گردش
تغییر خالص پول نقد
(USD) | دی ۱۴۰۳info | تغییر سالبهسال |
درآمد خالص | ۳٫۱۹ میلیون | ۳۹۳٫۳۸٪ |
وجه حاصل از فعالیت عملیاتی | — | — |
وجه حاصل از سرمایهگذاری | — | — |
وجه حاصل از فعالیت مالی | — | — |
تغییر خالص پول نقد | — | — |
وجوه در گردش آزاد | — | — |
Ironwood Pharmaceuticals, Inc. is a publicly traded pharmaceutical company. It was originally called Microbia, Inc.
Microbia was founded by postdocs from the lab of Gerald Fink at the Whitehead Institute to commercialize approaches that had been developed in the lab to improve industrial fermentation of fungi, to genetically engineer them to produce secondary metabolites more efficiently or to produce new ones as leads for drug discovery or as products for use in industry, and to identify drug targets in fungi for antifungal drug discovery. In 2002 the company hired John Talley to lead their antifungal drug discovery efforts, which at the time were focused on identifying small molecules that could inhibit fungal invasins, along with Mark Currie who had also worked at Searle division of Monsanto with Talley, and then had gone to Sepracor, and also Richard Bailey, who had run Monsanto's nutritional business. Currie directed the efforts that led to the discovery of linaclotide, which was based on an enterotoxin produced by some strains of Escherichia coli that cause traveler’s diarrhea.
By 2004 the company had raised $99M and was preparing a Phase I trial for linaclotide. Wikipedia
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