Home pageIEX • NSE
Indian Energy Exchange Ltd
154,80 ₹
13 mar, 13:36:05 GMT+5:30 · INR · NSE · Disclaimer
Titolo azionarioTitolo quotato in IN
Chiusura precedente
156,49 ₹
Intervallo giornaliero
154,42 ₹ - 157,40 ₹
Intervallo annuale
130,20 ₹ - 244,40 ₹
Cap di mercato
137,67 Mld INR
Volume medio
4,97 Mln
Rapporto P/E
Borsa valori principale
Notizie del mercato finanziario
The Indian Energy Exchange is an Indian electronic system based power trading exchange regulated by the Central Electricity Regulatory Commission. IEX started its operations on 27 June 2008. Indian Energy Exchange pioneered the development of power trading in India and provides an electronic platform to the various participants in power market, comprising State Electricity Boards, Power producers, Power traders, and Open Access Consumers. IEX is one of the two operational Power Exchanges in India. Ever since its incorporation, it has held an influential market share. IEX operates a day-ahead market based on closed auctions with double-sided bidding and uniform pricing; it has over 3,800 registered clients, over 300 private generators, and more than 3,300 industrial electricity consumers. Wikipedia
27 giu 2008
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