НегізгіHDIL • NSE
Housing Development & Infrastructure
Жабылу бағамы
2,94 ₹
Бүгінгі бағалар ауқымы
2,80 ₹ - 3,07 ₹
Жылдық ауқым
2,80 ₹ - 5,50 ₹
Нарықтық капитализациясы
1,37 млрд INR
Орташа көлем
104,56 м.
Баға/пайда арақатынасы
Дивидендтік табыс
Тауардың босалқы қорларының айырбасы
Нарық жаңалықтары
Housing Development and Infrastructure Limited, doing business as HDIL, is an India real estate development company based in Mumbai.
HDIL's business focuses on Real Estate Development, including construction and development of residential projects and, more recently, commercial and retail projects, Slum Rehabilitation and Development, including clearing slum land and rehousing slum dwellers, and Land Development, including development of infrastructure on land which the company then sells to other property developers. HDIL has an integrated in-house development team which covers all opment from project identification and inception through construction to completion and sale.
Home-buyers of HDIL have recently filed a plea in National Company Law Appellate Tribunal as they have been affected by the delay of the Nahur project. Wikipedia
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