Faqja kryesoreGRPTF • OTCMKTS
Getlink SE
Mbyllja e fundit
17,29 USD
Diapazoni vjetor
15,30 USD - 18,07 USD
Kapitalizimi i tregut
8,81 mld EUR
Volumi mesatar
Raporti çmim/fitim
Të ardhurat e dividendit
Bursa kryesore
Lajmet nga tregu
Deklarimi mbi të ardhurat
Të ardhurat
Të ardhurat neto
(EUR) | dhj 2024info | Ndryshimi nga V/V |
Të ardhurat | 403,00 mln | -9,97% |
Kostoja operative | 56,50 mln | -5,98% |
Të ardhurat neto | 72,00 mln | -13,99% |
Marzhi i fitimit neto | 17,87 | -4,44% |
Fitimet për aksion | — | — |
EBITDA | 202,00 mln | -13,58% |
Norma efektive tatimore | 1,37% | — |
Aktivet në total
Pasivet në total
(EUR) | dhj 2024info | Ndryshimi nga V/V |
Investime afatshkurtra dhe në para fizike | 1,70 mld | 8,77% |
Aktivet në total | 9,24 mld | 2,32% |
Pasivet në total | 6,75 mld | 2,90% |
Kapitali aksioner në total | 2,49 mld | — |
Numri i aksioneve të aksionerëve | — | — |
Çmimi për të rezervuar | — | — |
Kthimi nga aktivet | 4,01% | — |
Kthimi nga kapitali | 4,43% | — |
Fluksi i parave
Ndryshimi neto i parave në dorë
(EUR) | dhj 2024info | Ndryshimi nga V/V |
Të ardhurat neto | 72,00 mln | -13,99% |
Paratë nga veprimtaritë | 204,00 mln | -17,88% |
Paratë nga investimi | -83,00 mln | -75,04% |
Paratë nga financimi | -61,00 mln | 6,61% |
Ndryshimi neto i parave në dorë | 55,50 mln | 702,87% |
Fluksi i lirë i parave | 70,31 mln | -28,30% |
Getlink, formerly Groupe Eurotunnel, is a European public company based in Paris that manages and operates the infrastructure of the Channel Tunnel between France and the United Kingdom, operates the LeShuttle railway service, and earns revenue on other trains that operate through the tunnel.
Groupe Eurotunnel was established on 13 August 1986 to finance, build, and operate the Channel Tunnel under a concession granted by the French and British governments. The tunnel was constructed between 1988 and 1994 by TransManche Link under a contract issued by Groupe Eurotunnel; construction costs would overrun considerably, from TML's original estimate of £4.7 billion to the final cost of £9.5 billion. On 6 May 1994, the completed tunnel was officially opened. Its rail infrastructure comprises 50.45 kilometres of double track railway in the main tunnels, plus extensive surface-level terminal facilities at Folkestone in England and Calais in France. The rail network for operation of the Eurotunnel Shuttle train services is entirely self-contained, with connections near the two terminals to the respective national railway networks. Wikipedia
Drejtori ekzekutiv
13 gush 1986
Zyrat qendrore
Faqja në internet
3 375