Башкы бетGILD • NASDAQ
Gilead Sciences Inc
116,04 $
Соода убагы бүткөндөн кийин:
115,90 $
Жабык: 6-мар., 19:28:28 GMT-5 · USD · NASDAQ · Жоопкерчиликтен баш тартуу
Жабылуу курсу
115,44 $
Күндөр диапазону
114,61 $ - 116,31 $
Жылдар диапазону
62,07 $ - 117,39 $
Базар капитализациясы
144,62 млд USD
Орточо көлөмү
8,34 млн
Дивиденддик киреше
Негизги биржа
Gilead Sciences, Inc. is an American biopharmaceutical company headquartered in Foster City, California, that focuses on researching and developing antiviral drugs used in the treatment of HIV/AIDS, hepatitis B, hepatitis C, influenza, and COVID-19, including ledipasvir/sofosbuvir and sofosbuvir. Gilead is a member of the Nasdaq-100 and the S&P 100. Gilead was founded in 1987 under the name Oligogen by Michael L. Riordan. The original name was a reference to oligonucleotides, small strands of DNA used to target genetic sequences. Gilead held its initial public offering in 1992, and successfully developed drugs like Tamiflu and Vistide that decade. In the 2000s, Gilead received approval for drugs including Viread and Hepsera, among others. It began evolving from a biotechnology company into a pharmaceutical company, acquiring several subsidiaries, though it still relied heavily on contracting to manufacture its drugs. The company continued its growth in the 2010s. However, it came under heavy scrutiny over its business practices, including extremely high pricing of drugs such as Sovaldi and Truvada in the United States relative to production cost and cost in the developing world. Wikipedia
Аткаруучу директор
Негизделген күнү
1987-ж., 22-июн.
17 600
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