ПочетнаGDOW • Индекс
The Global Dow
27. јан, 19:04:23 GMT-5 · INDEXDJX · Одрицање одговорности
Претходно закључено
Дневни опсег
4.519,47 - 4.559,34
Годишњи опсег
3.788,41 - 4.578,71
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Основни подаци
The Global Dow is a 150-stock index of corporations from around the world, created by Dow Jones & Company. Only blue-chip stocks are included in the index. Like its progenitor, the Dow Jones Industrial Average, stocks in The Global Dow are selected by senior editors of The Wall Street Journal. Joining them for this new index were Dow Jones Newswires senior editors in the three major regions of the globe. The Global Dow is bigger—150 stocks rather than 30—and its components are weighted equally rather than by price. All 30 Dow industrial stocks are included, as well as some from the Dow Jones Transportation and Utility averages. The Global Dow tracks leading companies from around the world in all industries, selected not just for current size and reputation but also for their potential. It covers both developed and emerging markets. In addition, it includes companies from emerging sectors, such as alternative energy. The components are equally weighted, which means that price movements of the larger stocks have no greater impact on index performance than those of the smaller stocks. The Global Dow is calculated and disseminated in real time by Dow Jones Indexes. Wikipedia
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