Pagina de pornireFEML • LON
Fidelity Emerging Markets Ltd
Închidere anterioară
696,00 GBX
Intervalul de astăzi
688,30 GBX - 701,50 GBX
Interval anual
643,70 GBX - 748,30 GBX
Capitalizare bursieră
474,38 mil. GBP
Volum mediu
65,61 K
Raport P/E
Randamentul dividendelor
2,29 %
Bursă principală
Fidelity Emerging Markets Ltd is a large Guernsey-incorporated, London-based closed-end investment fund focused predominantly on holdings in the stock markets of emerging economies. Established in July 1989, the company is a constituent of the FTSE 250 Index. Its chairman is Coen Teulings. The company changed its name from Genesis Emerging Markets Fund to Fidelity Emerging Markets on 1 October 2021. Wikipedia
iul. 1989