Pàgina d'iniciBRSC • LON
BlackRock Smaller Companies Trust plc
Tancament anterior
1.266,00 GBX
Interval de preus d'avui
1.258,00 GBX - 1.274,00 GBX
Interval anual
1.238,00 GBX - 1.622,00 GBX
Capitalit. borsària
576,13 M GBP
Volum mitjà
180,29 k
Ràtio PER
Rendibilitat per dividend
3,36 %
Borsa principal
A les notícies
BlackRock Smaller Companies Trust is a large British investment trust dedicated to smaller company investments. Established as the North British Canadian Investment Company in 1906, the company is a constituent of the FTSE 250 Index. The chairman is Nicholas Fry. The fund is managed by BlackRock. Wikipedia
Data de fundació