PĂ gina d'iniciBN-T âą TSE
Brookfield Pref Shs Series 26 Class A
Tancament anterior
18,45Â $
Interval de preus d'avui
18,33Â $ - 18,46Â $
Interval anual
15,03Â $ - 19,43Â $
Capitalit. borsĂ ria
119,09Â kM CAD
Volum mitjĂ
12,86Â k
RĂ tio PER
Rendibilitat per dividend
A les notĂcies
Balanç de resultats
Ingressos nets
(USD) | des. del 2024info | VariaciĂł interanual |
Ingressos | 20,46Â kM | -17,99Â % |
Despesa d'explotaciĂł | 2437,00Â M | -32,62Â % |
Ingressos nets | 432,00Â M | -38,20Â % |
Marge de benefici net | 2,11 | -24,64Â % |
Benefici per acciĂł | â | â |
Ebitda | 8456,00Â M | 25,03Â % |
Taxa impositiva efectiva | 71,94Â % | â |
Actiu total
Passiu total
(USD) | des. del 2024info | VariaciĂł interanual |
Efectiu i invers. a curt terme | 15,05Â kM | 34,12Â % |
Actiu total | 490,42Â kM | 0,07Â % |
Passiu total | 325,04Â kM | 0,99Â % |
Capital total | 165,38Â kM | â |
Accions en circulaciĂł | 1508,30Â M | â |
RĂ tio cotitzaciĂł-valor | 0,66 | â |
Rendiment | 3,03Â % | â |
Rendibilitat d'inversiĂł | 3,68Â % | â |
Flux de caixa
VariaciĂł neta de l'efectiu
(USD) | des. del 2024info | VariaciĂł interanual |
Ingressos nets | 432,00Â M | -38,20Â % |
Efectiu d'operacions | â | â |
Efectiu d'inversiĂł | â | â |
Efectiu de finançament | â | â |
VariaciĂł neta de l'efectiu | â | â |
Flux de caixa lliure | â | â |
Brookfield Corporation is a Canadian-American multinational company that is one of the worldâs largest alternative investment management companies, with over US$900 billion of assets under management in 2023. It focuses on direct control investments in real estate, renewable power, infrastructure, credit and private equity. The company invests in distressed securities through Oaktree Capital, which it bought in 2019. Brookfield's headquarters are in Toronto and New York
The current Brookfield Corporation is the creation of the 1997 merger of Edper and Brascan. At its inception, the company was known as EdperBrascan, then changed its name to Brascan in 2000, and Brookfield in 2005. Brookfield consists of two publicly traded companies: Brookfield Corporation, the original company, and Brookfield Asset Management, which was spun off in 2022. Wikipedia
Conseller delegat, CO
Data de fundaciĂł
Seu principal
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