Aztec Land Cattle Ord Shs
1월 27일, 오후 8시 10분 0초 GMT-5 · USD · OTCMKTS · 면책조항
주식미국 상장 증권
전일 종가
일일 변동폭
$940.00 - $940.00
52주 변동폭
$550.00 - $940.00
평균 거래량
시장 뉴스
Aztec Land and Cattle Company, Limited is a land company with a historic presence in Arizona. It was formed in 1884 and incorporated in early 1885 as a cattle ranching operation that purchased 1,000,000 acres in northern Arizona from the Atlantic & Pacific Railroad. It then imported approximately 32,000 head of cattle from Texas and commenced ranching operations in Arizona. Because Aztec's brand was the Hashknife, a saddler's knife used on early day ranches, the company was known more famously as The Hashknife Outfit. The company has been in continuous existence since 1884. Wikipedia
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