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TA-125 Index
27 gen, 17:24:47 GMT+2 · TLV · Disclaimer
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Intervallo giornaliero
2.494,34 - 2.530,57
Intervallo annuale
1.846,18 - 2.158,12
Notizie del mercato finanziario
The TA-125 Index, typically referred to as the Tel Aviv 125 and formerly the TA-100 Index, is a stock market index of the 125 most highly capitalised companies listed on the Tel Aviv Stock Exchange. The index began on 1 January 1992 with a base level of 100. The highest value reached to date is 2152.16, in January 2022. On 12 February 2017, the index was expanded to include 125 instead of 100 stocks, in an attempt to improve stability and therefore reduce risk for trackers and encourage foreign investment. Wikipedia
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