Pagrindinis000001 • Indeksas
Shanghai Composite indeksas
3 161,91
01-13, 14:01:20 GMT+8 · SHA · Atsisakymas
Ankstesnė uždarymo kaina
3 168,52
Dienos intervalas
3 140,98 - 3 172,70
Metų intervalas
2 635,09 - 3 674,40
Aktualios naujienos
The SSE Composite Index also known as SSE Index is a stock market index of all stocks that are traded at the Shanghai Stock Exchange. There are also SSE 180, SSE 50 and SSE Mega-Cap Indexes for top 180, 50 and 20 companies respectively, and the CSI 300 Index, which includes shares traded at the Shanghai Stock Exchange and the Shenzhen Stock Exchange. Wikipedia
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